Saturday, July 12, 2008

Final Update and Over to Anna................

Next thing you read on here will be from Anna, I will have her put the link to her blog which has pictures since she has left and will keep you updated on her happenings in England. I will also have her link you to the new Mayfarm blog and Janice's Etsy shop.

Our house is still for sale. This is one of those times of really waiting on the Lord. He has us right here for now and we keep doing what we can do and what he puts before us right here in Bend. If we could work it out, we would go for a shorter visit, like in August/September just until Anna came home and help as much as we could in that short time.

Dennis has shared at the Shepherds House a couple times. That is one of our homeless shelters here in Bend. That has been a blessing and gives him yet another chance to speak and share what is on his heart.

We want God's will for our life and God's will only!! So, we wait. Maybe this is a no, maybe it is a wait........only time will tell. Dennis is listening carefully to God and following His ways, so he will know when we need to do something different. And, honestly, it is a very hard time to "let go" of a house.....we probably could not replace it right now......that is something to think about, we certainly are not getting any younger.

Thank you for all who have been praying, continue to pray for Gods will, always. Pray for Anna and that she will hear God's voice above all else.

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